Member Discounts

Member discounts Camp Bow Wow logoCamp Bow Wow in Kemah is offering discounts for your dog to attend day care, board, bathe and eat!  Camp Bow Wow offers a campground where dogs can play all morning and afternoon.  They get a lunch and nap time around noon.  Campers are always supervised by trained camp counselors.  Campers can also receive a bath before returning back home at a discount. Dog owners can login to the Camp Bow Wow website and watch their campers playing while they are at work or on vacation.  Camp Bow Wow is located at 300 Anders Lane just off of 518 (near 146).  Campers can also receive a bath before returning back home at a discount.  Tell them you are a part of the Faithful Friends team!

Members discounts Fetch Pet Care logo image

All Faithful Friends team members will receive a 10% discount on all services with Fetch! Pet Care of Clear Lake.  This includes in-home visits, overnight stays, private boarding, dog walks, and more!  When you call to book your FREE consultation just mention that you are a Faithful Friends member. We’ll automatically add a 10% discount to all of your services with us as long as you are a member of Faithful Friends!  You can submit a request on line at or call us at 866-342-4625.