Hi! My name is Sam – and I am a FERRET!

Hi, I’m Sam the Ferret. Do you know what a Ferret is? The dictionary says that I am a domesticated, usually albino form of the Old World polecat. I am often trained to hunt rats or rabbits. I am considered to look like a weasel, although I happen to think I have my very own personality!
I like to visit with people because I am such a unique visitor. I am the only Ferret in the Faithful Friends ministry and most of the people that I visit have never seen a Ferret before they met me. That makes me very special!
Since I am not of the canine (dog) or feline (cat) species, I am actually of the mustildae family with cousins consisting of the mink, weasel, otter, skunk, badger and European polecat. I have to have special permission to visit with the rest of the Faithful Friends animals. But, once the administrators at the hospitals and other facilities meet me, they fall in love with me, and I have no problems getting permission to come back to visit again. You see? God uses ALL of the creatures He has created to minister to others!