Hi! My name is Rudy

Rudy, a Chinese pug, has been visiting with Faithful Friends since he was 3 months old. As you can see by the way he is leaning up against this nice lady he is very calm and comfortable wherever he is.
One of the first times Rudy went on a visit to a nursing home, he went into a man’s room who wasn’t able to talk to us. The man reached out for the puppy and wanted him to get in his bed with him. Rudy snuggled down next to him and the man hugged and petted Rudy for a long time. This was one of the visits when we took pictures of people with our pets. The next time we went, copies of the pictures were taken back to give to those we visited. But, we couldn’t give Rudy’s new friend his picture. He had passed away soon after our visit with him. When we asked the nurses if they could give the picture to his family, we were told that he had no one. Rudy was all he had. He felt God’s love during that special time while he was hugging Rudy. This may have been during the last moments of his life.