Hi! My name is Sophie and this is my brother Sam
My name is Sophie. I am the cute little one in the picture. The big, handsome guy is my brother Sam. I am a four year old Chihuahua, and my mom and I have been visiting with Faithful Friends since May 1999. Sam, a Besenji, has been with us since October 1999. Mom found him at a Petco near our home. Someone had tied him to a light pole with a sign that read “Free to Good Home”. He visits sometimes, but he is really a pretty shy guy. I, on the other hand, am a regular social butterfly.
I think I like visiting Devereux Hospital the best. I love it when the kids let me give them lots of kisses! My mom doesn’t know what part of me is going faster – my tongue or my tail!
From the canine point of view, visiting with Faithful Friends is a wonderful experience. If you are a friendly, well-behaved pet and own a friendly, well-behaved human, you should consider becoming a member. I know the animals have a great time. I guess the humans do too, but I really think their only purpose is to provide transportation and treats!