Hi! My name is Rusty

Rusty, the Animal Assisted Therapy dog ended up getting a lot more than he’d expected for from Faithful Friends. Rusty joined in summer 2008 and started as a regular at the Deveraux Center, adolescent psychiatric therapy. He loves the kids, and they love him right back. During his January visit, one of the kids noticed he’d lost a tooth and mentioned to me, Rusty’s Mom. When we went to the vet the next day, it turns out Rusty had cancer! But since we’d caught it so early, it should be very curable. Rusty has had six teeth and some jaw bone removed, but he looks great, and should be cancer free, next check up in a week or so. Bottom line, the vet says that if we hadn’t caught it so early, Rusty would likely have died, it was a very aggressive form of cancer. Being a “Faithful Friend” looks like it may have saved Rusty’s life! Thank – you Faithful Friends, and Thank – you Deveraux Center kids!
Rusty’s Mom (Beth)